
What They Needed:
JOSO is the creation of Natalie McGrath, a Perth-based naturopath with more than 16 years clinical experience specialising in women’s health. Natalie noticed a shift in consciousness in her clients’ approaches to their skin and beauty regimes, with a need for natural and non-toxic products that fit simply into their daily lives and backed by science.

Two years of research and development led to JOSO’s first signature product, GLOWSO, a supplement packed with goodies to support collagen production, and increase and support skin firmness, hydration, and health. The little powerhouse that is GLOWSO has been featured in a number of top publications, including Beauty Haven, Body and Soul, The West Australian, and Beaute Industrie.

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The Result:
We’ve worked alongside Natalie and her team-at-large to drive her growth through compelling marketing across a variety of mediums, including print, digital, and design.

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Other cool things we've been working on.

An ipad screen showcasing the Blue Tree Project Website

Blue Tree Project

Blue Tree Project is a Perth-based charity with big dreams about spreading awareness and support for mental health through painted blue trees across the globe. Our creative team delivered a website refresh complete with on-brand, custom animated illustrations and natural paint lines for a human touch, highlighting the grassroots and regional foundations of the charity.
Project overview- Mother

Mother SPF

The collaboration showcased Mother SPF's commitment to eco-friendly practices, resonating with their target audience with strategic brand alignment and demonstrating the power of strategic cross-selling and targeted marketing campaigns. We're proud to have partnered with Mother SPF and Koala Eco to deliver a win-win for both brands and their customers.