Branding is a visual identity for your business that holds real estate in the minds of humans that need you.

Your branding is a combination of graphics, colours, typography, photography and styling that grabs your audience’s attention and resonates with them.

Good branding looks nice.
Great branding makes your audience feel excited, included and understood.

Creating an impactful, empowering brand isn’t an act of coincidence or luck. Future Proof crafts brands that elevate themselves from the noise and chatter of a crowded market. This offering is for passionate and ambitious business owners who are ready to take their business to the next level.

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Where does a process like this even start?

Creating an effective visual brand identity hinges on the foundations of a comprehensive brand strategy.

Our team of designers, strategists, copywriters and brand lovers combine the powers of strategy and damn-good visuals to bring together a brand that stops people (the right people!) in their tracks. And makes them stay. Because good design is nothing without strategy.

Future Proof is an end-to-end branding agency that helps you uncover and articulate your Voice, Strategy and Visual Identity. We work from the intersection (translation: sweet spot) of your unique offering, your audience, the market you exist in, and how you can execute your vision.

This process allows your business to have the impact you’ve been dreaming of.

There is so much incredible, engaging and vibrant content being posted, BUT we need to remember that in large crowds we need to really make our voice stand out. How do you say it differently? How are you unique?

Who is your audience and how can you show up for them where they want it?

Memorable brand design does more than just look nice (though it does that pretty well). It

  • Grabs the attention of your audience and speaks their language.
  • Nurtures loyalty and ongoing communication channels.
  • Establishes a unique identity for your business, that grows with time (just like a person!)

Most importantly, it allows your devoted, loyal community to see a bit of themselves, reflected in your brand.

Essential to future proof your business. Our brand strategy service articulates how your brand can be cohesive, memorable and stand out in a competitive market.
  • We create a clear framework for how your brand can grow, expre
  • A cohesive brand identity is good. You know what’s even better? A brand identity that has a structured path to grow, expand and resonate with its audience.
  • Your brand strategy encompasses the building blocks of your brand. Beyond the surface level, we define how your brand exists, shows up and conducts itself – not just today but every day.
  • We explore and understand your target market, competitor landscape and unique selling points that your brand hold
Designed for your business, our complete brand-building service covers all bases.
  • A Comprehensive Brand Guideline (AKA Your New Bible)
    • Design Questionnaire & Brand Brief
    • Articulation of your mission, vision, and values
    • User-centred design of your brand components
  • A complete set of Branding Assets
    • Your personalised colour palette - Main logo, and alternate logos
    • Supply of your final files (jpg, png, pdf, eps)
    • Typographic selections + hierarchy guide - Your brand board
  • Plus inclusions such as
    • Custom Brand Pattern or Icons [as needed]
    • Stock imagery selection
    • Business card design
    • Print design of your choice
    • eg Thankyou Card, Flyer]
    • Social Media Profile Image
    • Moodboard
  • Support and guidance to tackle the world with your new brand look + strategy
    • How to use your logo variations
    • Rules around your colour palette
    • Guidelines around your typography
    • The low down on installing your fonts

    (AKA – everything you need to know to ensure brand consistency).


Sounds good?

Branding Design and Strategy Options


Brand Strategy + Design

The Whole Sha-Bang

From top to bottom, we will cover all bases to flesh out your brand strategy before we design the visual components of your brand.

This is perfect if you need:

  • Complete Brand Strategy.
  • Complete Brand Design.
  • Consultation on how your Brand Strategy influences your Brand Design.
  • Guidance on how to embody and continue your strategy, with the designs provided – AKA watch your brand live and evolve!
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Brand Strategy (only)

The Nitty Gritty

Wanting to start by getting really clear on your brand? Can’t even think about colour palettes until you have a better idea of who you are as a business? Start here.

This is perfect if you need:

  • Direction on your brand mission, vision and values.
  • Articulation of how you can effectively appeal to your target audience.
  • Understanding of how your brand can shine in your industry and stand out against competitors Complete Brand Strategy.
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Brand Design (only)

The Vibes

If you have the foundations of a strong strategy already down (firstly, well done). Now we can get to work on creating a cohesive and exciting set of visual components that will set your brand apart and find the humans looking for you.

This is perfect if you need:

  • Visual development of your complete Brand Design.
  • Including logos, colour palettes, typography and imagery.
  • Including logos, colour palettes, typography and imagery.
  • Guidelines and pointers on how to maintain a consistent and cohesive brand aesthetic – wherever you exist!

Send us an email to get the ball rollin’.

Our Clients

Willow strat project overview image

Plant With Willow

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Curious about the branding process?

You stumble across Future Proof (your lucky day!)

Shoot us an email letting us know the details of your next brand project – whether it’s a new brand just being born, or an old brand dreaming of being big and bold, we are ready for it.

We supply a Design Questionnaire + Brand Brief, that you complete the nitty-gritty of. Then we get to work.

Our team strategises and designs your branding.

We present your deliverables for review.

An optional round of refinements is agreed upon between you + our team so we can get things working juuuust riiiiiiight.

Your brand creative assets are coming your way. Logo, fonts, images, patterns– the gang is all here!

You’ve got questions. We have answers.

On the blog

We're here to build 21st century brands.

We're also here to share knowledge to business owners, because there's room for everyone at the top. Ready to learn something new? Want more info on a marketing tool, tactic or territory. Get your notepad ready, we're about to deep dive into these topics and much more.