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Why Building an Email List is Essential for Business Growth In 2024

An email signup popup window

Let’s face it, the digital landscape is a fickle place. Social media algorithms change faster than you can say “influencer marketing,” and organic reach is becoming a thing of the past. Amidst all this uncertainty, there’s one platform that remains steadfast: email.


Your email list is your holy grail. Our ride or die, through it all, digital goldmine. 

It’s your own personal corner of the internet, a space where you have direct access to an audience that wants to hear from you. Unlike social media followers who can vanish overnight, your email audience are yours to keep (whilst they want to be kept, of course).


Why is an email list so important?

  • Ownership: You own your email list. No algorithm changes, or platform updates can take away your audience. So much so that businesses have been known to buy email lists in the past, which we would 1,000% NOT recommend 😅. 
  • Direct Communication: Build strong relationships with your audience by delivering content that makes them feel seen AND provides personalised value. Things like personalising emails with their name, suggesting popular items they won’t want to miss out on and exclusive discounts will have them kicking their feet and feeling super spesh.
  • Higher ROI: Email marketing consistently delivers a higher return on investment compared to other marketing channels with an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent (Hubspot). Are you getting a 36x ROAS on your ad spend? Didn’t think so.
  • Increased Conversions: Nurture prospective leads and turn your audience into loyal customers through targeted email campaigns.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain valuable insights into your audience’s behaviour and preferences to optimise your marketing efforts tailored specifically to your ideal customer.  


As we approach BFCM and Christmas,  a loyal email list will be your closest ally for the peak online shopping season. 

Your email list is a direct line to a captive audience. They are eager to shop and by nurturing your audience with a strategic plan (curated in advance) to highlight exclusive offers, early access to sales, and personalised recommendations, you could see yourself sig-nif-i-cant-ly boosting your revenue during these key sales periods.


“How do I start building my email list in anticipation of Black Friday?”


3 quick and easy wins you can implement TODAY to start growing your list.

  • Create High-Value Content: Offer something they want! Irresistible content like exclusive discounts, subscriber only value packs or loyalty programs where points are exchanged for cash discounts can each be utilised to entice people to subscribe.
  • Optimise Your Website: Make it easy for visitors to sign up with clear and prominent call-to-actions – think in your footer, via pop-up or with exit intent forms that capture users right as they leave.
  • Run Contests and Giveaways: Find immediate growth through incentivising sign-ups with exciting prizes. Use organic and paid socials to promote an enticing giveaway that targets your desired audience in return for email sign ups.  


Remember, building an email list takes time and effort, but the proof is in the pudding. With 88% of people checking their emails daily (Forbes) the opportunity to target an engaged audience should not be overlooked. 


We know you’re sick of this one, but in all seriousness: Email marketing is an investment in your business’s future that pays dividends. Start today to unlock the full potential of YOUR email marketing. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.


Ready to start building your list today? Let’s chat: hello@futureproofagency.com.au